Featuring Guest Presenter: Former Congressman Jeffrey Fortenberry (NE1)
Barbara Nicolosi, PhD
The Intellectual Virtues
Featuring Guest Presenter: Mr. Kale Zelden, MA
Theological Virtues: Faith and Hope
Featuring Guest Presenter, Dr. Pete Fraser, PhD
The Early Church and the Eucharist
The Protestant Reformers claimed that the doctrine of transubstantiation was a late Medieval innovation and also that the early Church Fathers were not in accord as to Eucharistic theology. We will treat of both these errors in thinking in this presentation.
The Eucharist in Classical Painting
Special Guest Presenter: Kathleen Carr, President, Catholic Art Institute A tour through some of the most famous artistic representations of the Eucharist.
A Scriptural Exigesis of John 6
Applying a Biblical studies lens to the Bread of Life Discourse in John 6 mainly using the Commentary of St. John by St. Thomas Aquinas.
The Catechism and the Eucharist
A brief tour through basic Church teaching on the Eucharist from the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation (Dei verbum)
Guest Presenter: Dr. Andre Villeneuve, PhD Professor of Sacred Scripture, Sacred Heart Seminary, Detroit
Leading Post-Modern Souls to Jesus: Paul VI on the Urgency of Evangelization
In this session, we will consider the epic work by Pope St. Paul VI on how to present Jesus to people in this post-modern moment.
The Church and Science in the Writing of Pius XII and St. JPII
This presentation will be a fascinating consideration of the Church’s actual teaching on the origins of our species. It will be of particular interest to anyone who is interested in science or works in a scientific related field.
On Sacred Music (Musicam Sacram) by Pius XII
Following on our discussion of basic Catholic moral theology in Veritatis Splendor, we next delve into the specific moral questions surrounding the beginning and end of life.